Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Got Tutu's? Another PVC solution!

So there are lots of "Tu"-torials online about making no-sew tutu's (pardon the pun, I couldn't resist)...and, aside from a few that tell you to loop the elastic around your leg...very little about easier ways to work with your tutu in progress AND store your tutu's without worrying with pesky skirt hangers...that's most likely because they haven't found ME yet!

Unlike some of my other projects with PVC, this one is so simple that ANYONE could do it. 

Supplies needed:
  • 1 piece (or shorter if you can get it) of 3/4 inch PVC.  (PVC comes in 10 foot lengths.  This makes it sometimes awkward to fit into a car or SUV; however, the 3/4 inch is more flexible so that tends to be less of a problem).  Cost?  About $2.
  • A PVC cutter (in general, I use a chop saw because I am obsessed...but for the 3/4 inch, it's a cinch to cut by hand)  Home Depot sells an easy ratcheting PVC cutter by Brasscraft for about $14.  You can also use a hacksaw but that's kind of a pain.
  • 4 - 3/4 inch slip tees
  • 2 - 3/4 inch slip elbows
;Other than that, you shouldn't need too much instruction if you ever played with tinker toys...but if you do, let me know!

One tip, if you are making or displaying/storing tutus that are "toddler" size OR using hairbands then your cross pieces should be approximately 8 inches.  In general, take the normal width of your tutu waistband and subtract 2 inches for your cross pieces.

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