Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Quick Patio Heater Tip

So I was having problems lighting my patio heater, and I did a google search to see if I could light it manually since the pilot didn't seem to want to work...one site I lookjed at talked about how little bitty bugs could get into the pilot light (venturi) tube.  Since I had tried everything else, this seemed realistic.  I didn't want to take the whole thing apart, so I finally aimed my blower at the thing and just blew through the top of the heater (with it turned off of course), and voila!  Problem solved!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cleaning the Kiddie Pool...SOLUTIONS!

Okay, quick breakdown of the MacGyver in the kiddie pool...first solution was a plastic hanger with screen from an old screen cut to size and wrapped around it, but I was still missing the little dirt.

Most people think that it is necessary to continually refill kiddie pools; but if you keep them clean and sprinkle a little spa shock in them every couple of days you can save water and $$!

Solution #2, Cheap badminton racket (got this one at a thrift store for $1), wrap it with old panty hose, and voila!  A fantastic way to get the little dirt particles out of the kiddie pool!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Handy Tip for Worn Out Fridge Seal

So in addition to having a worn out seal on my fridge, I also happen to have a toddler...put the two together and I figured out a solution (perhaps a temporary one but saves me from actually figuring out how to order a new "seal").  For about $3, you can buy a "child proof" seal for your fridge.  This helps keep it closed as well!

UPDATE: I had an appliance guy at my house to put in a new dishwasher and he thought that was an even better solution than replacing the seal (which, he couldn't find a problem with so odds are it wouldn't help!)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Soon to come...Sharpie + Toddler Solution

It was bound to happen, Vivian got hold of a Sharpie...so relatively soon, I anticipate posting a solution to this issue ;)

Received all kinds of ideas from my friends on Facebook, ended up using vegetable oil, but was also told that baby oil would work as well as mineral oil!