Wednesday, November 9, 2011

PVC and Me...The Beginning. Jewelry Holder.

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE making things out of PVC.  PVC is an amazing medium to work with, it's like tinker toys for grown-ups.  Being up in the mountains and having taken a break from a fast-paced career life...I have to be busy.  I also found that having a child created new challenges in my 30-year old house. 

It all started with the re-organization of my jewelry.  I am one who thinks like MacGyver...and I had lots of random bracelets and necklaces that I wasn't wearing because they were shoved into a jewelry box or a plastic storage container.  I first thought that I would use a curtain rod...

This was somewhat functional but lacking the aesthetic effect that I wanted...I also had to remove it any time I wanted to get something off of it, and subsequently remove other things surrounding whatever I was trying to get to.

Then I had a day that would change my life.  I went to my local hardware store to look for solutions.  I happened upon the plumbing supply aisle and landed in a whole new world!  My very first project was a jewelry holder.  With the discovery of PVC connectors and spray paint for plastic...I was hooked.

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